Promoting a community or organization

Panda_128Promoting a community or organization on a website can be classified in one of these groups: Community Building Websites, Directory Listing Websites, and Websites for Non-Profit Organizations.

Community Building Websites

Community building websites are directed toward the creation, expansion, enhancement or introduction of a certain community – either among individuals within a regional area, or with a common interest.

Such a Community Building Website usually explains the purpose and background of the group/community, present current and/or planned events like gatherings or festivals, and offer large-scale project participation opportunities to local participants (rather than outside contractors).

There is usually also a way presented for people to get involved in the community, or to donate funds, or purchase items produced by the community.

An example of a community website:

Book clubs are another example of a community (e.g., where online discussions can take place about a commonly read book. General information about books and reading techniques can be provided, and either donations can be requested or products sold online.

Directory Listing Websites

catalog128Directory Listing Websites can be a directory containing links to websites of businesses and/or important institutions in a community, OR it can include different advertisement pages for such businesses/institutions. These links or advertisements or pages can be sold to businesses/institutions and can serve as advertising for them, while covering some of your own costs.

Community Building Websites include websites with general information on government agencies and/or cities/towns.

Example websites:

Websites for non-profit organizations

Temple128Websites are usually designed with the purpose of raising funds for the institution, or to recruit volunteers to help with a project. Information about the institution is provided in detail, complete with images, and a way for people to donate is provided.

Non-profit Organization websites include websites for

  • churches
  • orphanages
  • wildlife funds
  • environment protection organizations
  • etc.
Example Non-profit Organization websites:

HOW WE CONTRIBUTE: We charge a special, discounted fee to non-profit organizations for the setup and maintenance of their websites. Please contact us for more information with regard to this.


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E-commerce websites have one single purpose: to present your product(s) to online customers in an easily accessible fashion. Customers can shop from the comfort of their own home. Read more about E-commerce Websites and view examples here.

An Online Business Brochure or Catalog Website introduces potential customers to your product(s) and/or services. Read more about these types of websites here.